A few highlights from the month:
* He is smiling and cooing a lot. Melts my heart! Even when it is at 2 in the morning!
* He just discovered his hands and is fascinated when his fists cross his line of vision. It is so funny to see him just stare at them!
* He weighed 11 lbs 2 oz at his 2 month checkup and was 22 1/4 inches long.
* On Friday night (10/29), he slept from 10:30 pm to 6:00 am. I felt like a new woman!! I did have to get up a few times and give him his pacifier, but at least we didn't have that 2 am feeding. It was heavenly...sleep is a precious thing! Although we have had a few rough nights since then, he is sleeping pretty good for the most part.
* He has lost a lot of the dark hair he was born with but still has a ring of dark hair around the bottom of his head. We call it his old-man hair!
A few more pictures from the month of October: