Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Tanner was finally feeling better by Sunday, so we went on a two night camping trip. We went to a beautiful campsite only 10 minutes from Paul & Rachelle’s house. We would have to drive A LOT longer than 10 minutes from our house to find anything that nice!! Paul & Rachelle have a nice travel trailer so it was definitely luxury camping, but it makes it so much easier with kids. We went up on Sunday afternoon after naps and stayed until Tuesday morning. There was a beautiful river right behind our campsite. The river was really low but it was still beautiful running around and underneath these huge rocks. We had a great time just enjoying the great outdoors and God’s beautiful creation. It made me want to go home and go camping, but then I remembered where I live!! August in Texas is not exactly camping weather…maybe in the fall!

Some pics from our camping adventure:

our campsite

sitting around the campfire

Garrett enjoying his smore!

the cousins (Tanner, Kaitlyn & Garrett)

another picture of the cousins...so cute!

Paul & Garrett

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